A downloadable game

This is my submission for the Mermelada Jam 2024, a game jam for Spanish Developers.

The submitted game is not what I had in mind when I started. Unfortunately I could not do as much as I wished to achieve.

The game is a very basic roguelike. You control the character with the mouse. Clicking on the screen will make the characted move. If you click on a monster, you will shoot a fireball towards them. Three fireballs are needed to kill every monster. Clean the room to open the doors and move to the next one.

There are infinite rooms, since the game goes forever... PARA SIEMPRE.

The game is completely programmed in Pygame. Graphic assets are from the incredible Kenney and background music from the outstanding Eric Matyas. Kudos to them!


Random-Dungeon.zip 1.5 MB

Install instructions

To play the game, you need to have installed Python and pygame. Once this is done, you should be able to run the game by typing from the directory where you decompressed the game:

python randomdungeon/src/main.py


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Cool little game!
Coding without engine is hard, I like the effort tho!
There are simple ways to make your python file runnable (at least on windows). I'm not sure if this would be against the rules but probably a lot more people would try out the game

Thank you for your comment. I actually wanted to pack it in a web assembly file, so that it can be directly play from itch.io, but I could not come around it.